Who we are.

We started Trial Catalyst after recognizing the staggering disconnect between trials offering breakthrough treatments and people in need of those treatments.

Conducting clinical trials requires enormous efforts for both researchers and participants. Companies may struggle finding appropriate candidates for innovative forms of care. We offer companies several services related to conducting clinical trials including screening and eligibility assessments, recommendations for enrollment, primary outcomes evaluations, and ongoing quality assurance.

Meet the Team

  • Physician Researchers

    Our executive team comprises both MD and PhD researchers with years of experience running clinical trials. We’ve curated a team to help your company determine the appropriate strategies for your trial.

  • Psychologist Raters

    Advanced-Degree Evaluators

    TC Raters are advanced-degree psychologists and master’s level mental health professionals specializing in empirically-based assessment. All raters undergo a systematic training and supervision process to ensure the highest quality, reliable assessments.

  • Physician Consultation

    MD Screenings

    TC also employs physicians to assist with medical screenings. This additional level of rigor includes a review of medical history as well as current functioning.